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Our Promise
We do not promise instant outrageous success (and you should turn and run if anyone ever does offer you that!)  What we do promise is that, by applying our proven business practices and techniques, and by dedicating time every week, you can watch your business grow and thrive. 

Joining AZULI SKYE is fast and easy. Simply signup online and you'll be instantly taken to our exclusive online Consultant Cafe. You can start learning and connecting with other consultants right away.

Our Consultant Kit include easy to use online ordering tools, all the printed materials and business supplies for your first  parties, gorgeous black velvet displays, and of course, a great selection of stunning jewelry. They also include access to our exclusive online Consultant Cafe, which allows you to connect with consultants around the corner and across the country.

SkyeDreams Kit
A $800 value for only $99.95 (Specially priced for a limited time)!

The SkyeDreams Kit is a fantastic value. You'll receive...
  • Business supplies for your first 6 parties
  • Black velvet jewelry displays
  • Our outstanding support and fantastic training materials
  • PLUS $700 of our most popular jewelry

We stand behind our opportunity with an ironclad Money Back Guarantee. No kidding!

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